To Portland and a Change in Plans

Today I began my trip with a visit to my favorite breakfast joint in Amity, Oregon.  It's a sweet little place where you sit at the counter to eat and watch the cook making your waffle. I ordered the Oregon Marionberry Waffle, my favorite. I had a headache from all the smoke in the air, so I had about half a cup of coffee, but it was so strong I could barely get it down. It did calm the headache, however.

The air is really smoky. I actually think it's a combination of the fires all around us and dust from the farmers who are harvesting and plowing their fields. You can't really see it in this photo, but the sky just isn't bright blue - it's hazy and yellow looking. Not good for the sinuses at all!

I arrived at my son's house about noon. Samu is off for the next few days and I'll stay with him and my granddaughter, Hayden, until Sunday. 

Samu is cooking a big old stew for dinner, and man, it smells great!

My plan until today was to stay here until Sunday morning, drop in to visit my youngest son, Cameron, in Vancouver, and then take off on my trip.

However, Cameron had to go to Salt Lake for work unexpectedly and couldn't find a dog sitter . . . so I volunteered.  It's both bad and good. It's bad because now I have to call and change all the reservations for campgrounds that I've made. It's good, however, because by the time I leave, this heat wave will have passed and the temperatures will be 15-20 degrees cooler, making nights much nicer in the van! So I'm good with it!

My biggest issue now is making sure my MIDDLE son, Rob, will be ok with me showing up a week later, and also finding things to do and places to stay for about 4 extra days. I think I'm going to explore driving a section of the Blue Ridge Parkway!

This new schedule will put me home a week later - so I may skip seeing some of the sites in the later half of my original plan, but those are places I can visit next Spring.  I still plan on heading up to Chicago and driving down Old Route 66 at least to New Mexico - and am really looking forward to that. 

All of this, of course, depends on the weather. I'm hoping it cooperates this time! Last April, I got chased all the way home by tornadoes!

Soooo... for now, I'm going to enjoy a few days with family and probably won't post until I head a week from today!

Until then...

Happy Trails,


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