Sept 5-8 - Portland and Vancouver

I had a great time in Beaverton visiting with my son, Samu, 
and my grandddaughter, Hayden.  
She is such a sweet girl, but at 16, 
I think she finds her dad annoying!  lol!

My daughter in law is in Annapolis, 
visiting my grandson, Hiathan. 
I can't wait to visit the campus,
but I'm going to wait until graduation.

One of the highlights of the visit was their little dog, Marley!
She was quite a snuggle-bug.  

I look so old and haggard in this photo.
I was exhausted... and had a headache.
But Marley was cheering me up!

My son went kayaking with his friends on Saturday.
The video they shot was crazy, 
and looked like a lot of fun.
I stayed home with Marley :)

This morning I packed up and drove to Vancouver, Washington.
I will be here 5 nights,
sitting with my OTHER grand-doggie, 
Jean Luc and his brother, Aleph the Cat.

JL doesn't seem to be feeling very good. 
I think he's hot,
and might have a little upset tummy.
He's farting A LOT 

Here is a photo of the view from my son's balcony.

Pretty nice.
Can't wait to take a walk along the river tomorrow.

Until then,
Happy Trails!


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September 17 - Martins Cove

 I had a restful night at Martin’s Cove. Next morning, I went to see the exhibits. There weren’t very many people there.  The missionaries, ...