Arches to Salt Lake City

It was about a 4 hour drive to Salt Lake City and by the time I got there, I was so tired, I called my son Cameron and asked if he could book me a hotel for the night. Driving in Salt Lake is very stressful - the traffic is CRAZY, their street names do NOT make sense, and I needed some rest.

Cam got me a nice hotel room (with a kitchen!) in the Hyatt, and I slept like a baby until 3 am, when I got up, got dressed, and got the heck out of there! I wanted to get out of SLC before the morning traffic. 

I drove about an hour to get out of the crazy city, then pulled into a Love's Travel Stop and slept another hour and a half.  Then I got up and headed to Bend. I drove for over 10 hours! I slept at the Elks Club that night, got up early and was home by 7 am!

Honestly, there is NO place like home! I am SO happy to be back home sleeping in my own bed, having my own bathroom. First thing I did was take a long, hot bath. Then I simply rested for the day. Next day I unpacked, did laundry, and rested some more. 

I've decided that was my last long haul in the van. I'm going to enjoy some short camping trips next spring/summer - but no more cross-country. 

By the way - can't recall if I wrote this already - but if I had NOT taken the segway to Missouri to visit my cousins there, I would have been right in the middle of the hurricane on the Blue Ridge Parkway where the roads washed out. So even though it was a crazy and stressful time, I'm grateful to God and the Universe for (once again) possibly saving my life. 

Happy Trails!

Arches Was Awesome!

Two visitors walking up to the arch with flashlights.

My GPS told me I could arrive at a campground, see the vistor's center, and THEN go into the park. Upon arrival, I learned that was not true. The campground was INSIDE the park and it was full. So I opted to get an inexpensive hotel room. After learning that I could go into the park before 7 am and not have to pay or have a timed entry ticket, I decided to wake up early, enter the park, and watch the sunrise.  I had gotten some advice from some gals in one of my Facebook travel groups, so instead of going to "the Delicate Arch" I headed for a spot called "Windows." It was perfect! No cars, just me. Lots of parking. Bathrooms. And a short trail leading to a giant windowed arch where I sat with others who finally arrived, and watched the sun come up. 

Arches is an incredible park! I hope to go back someday. Here are some photos from my day (sorry, they are not in order.)

Balancing Rock

I made some new friends from China

So many people showed up to watch the sunrise

A beautiful sunrise!

Looking up at the top of the arch at Windows

The stars were incredible - See the Big Dipper?

Sept 29 MOAB

Yesterday I had a lovely day in the pines at the Elk's Lodge Campground in Tijeres. I paid $20 to stay there and after a bit of searching, found a flat area to park.

There was NOBODY else there except the campground host - who told me there were NO LIGHTS at all on the campground at night.  

I thought, "Ok - I'll see lots of stars."

Then, around 4 pm, the host and his wife left for a Luau at their Lodge, leaving me alone in the woods. 

I'm usually pretty brave, and I hung out for a bit, but around 6 pm, I suddenly heard a dog barking nearby and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. This was a very sudden feeling, and I pay attention to those feelings. 

For about 20 minutes, I felt like someone was watching me. It totally creeped me out.  I tossed my chair into the van and locked the doors and drove out of there -- thinking I'd drive to the other side of Albuquerque and sleep at Love's.

I arrived there to have the cashier tell me it was not a safe place to sleep - that there was a lot of crime there - and he suggested a Casino up the road.

I drove to the Casino. I didn't feel that I should stay there without going inside and "paying" so I put $20 into one of their machines, and in 5 minutes, I'd made back that $20 plus the $20 I spent on the Elk's campground!  Actually I think my ticket was for $39.64.

I took my money and went out to the van and had a fitful night's sleep. It was so danged hot - my little fan helped - and I think I got maybe 6 hours sleep.

Next morning I got up around 5 am and headed toward El Morro. However, upon checking their website, I realized I'd be there hours before they opened, so I didn't take that road. I just drove straight on to Moab and Arches National Park.

The drive was very pretty, but a little frustrating because there were several gorgeous views I would have liked to have taken photos of - but there are LITERALLY no rest stops and no place to pull over in New Mexico or Colorado! So I had to try to take photos while driving!

Utah was a little better. They at least had pull-outs where you could photograph the beautiful rock formations like this one. 

And this one! A woman and her son were up in the arch - 
look how tiny they are!

I arrived in Moab around 2 pm and was shocked at the number of people here! The GPS on my phone told me I could see the Visitor's Center and THEN go to the park entrance, but that was not correct. Also, the campground was full and the lady at the kiosk had no advice for camping elsewhere. So I turned around and came back into town. I managed to find an inexpensive hotel - and was happy about that since sleeping in 92 degree weather wouldn't be fun!

My plan is to get up in the morning around 5 am, have my breakfast, and be at the gate long before it opens at 7 am - I'll watch the sunrise inside the park. 

The drive around the park is said to take 2-3 hours. From there, I'll head to Bountiful to sleep at the Elk's Lodge.

I'm just a few days from home and I'm really homesick. I wish I could just beam myself home - but alas - I have to drive. I THINK after Bountiful I MAY be able to make it in two days but it could be more like three.

Looking forward to tomorrow's visit!
Happy Trails!

Tijeres Elks Campground


GPS took me over the river and through the woods, but I finally arrived at Tejeris at the Elks campground. It’s a really sweet place with plenty of shade and bathrooms. No showers, but there is water and electric hook up, although I don’t really need that today.  

I hope to see lots of stars tonight as I’ve been informed there are absolutely no lights here at night.  It should be spectacular!

Tomorrow, I’ve decided to start by visiting El Morro National Monument. Is a short 2 1/2 hour drive and if I can get a camping space, I will spend the night there.

I learned today that if I arrive at Arches National Park before 7 AM I can go in and that’s just perfect for me because I’m usually awake by 4 or 5 am in the morning these days. I’m hoping to get a campground very close and just get there at dawn. 

Tonight for dinner I’m enjoying my cold steak and baked potato from last night because I could only eat half last night. It’s actually really good. 

I took some time to put all my new stickers up on the back of my kitchen wall.  It’s starting to look pretty cool!

On to Tijeres, New Mexico

I had a great time in Roswell. 

I spent a couple of hours at the UFO Museum. It was kooky but interesting. They really did a great job of pulling all the information on UFO's and abductions together. They had tons of photos and videos, as well as a very interesting lecture by a gentleman who lived here during the Roswell event and knew many of the players.  I'm glad I came.

I did some shopping, then found my little motel. I am staying at the Roswell Motel. It was less expensive and less fancy but VERY clean. I love that my car is parked right outside my room. 

For dinner, I REALLY was craving a steak. I asked the receptionist and she directed me to a "local" place called Cattle Baron Steak and Seafood.  I drove there and walked in. It was nice, but more like a sports bar and the music was SO LOUD!  I really needed more peace and quiet. 

I drove back toward the entrance of the town and found the Texas Roudhouse.  It was a good decision. Still noisy, but not AS noisy, the place was packed (good sign!) and the food was delicious! I ended up carrying more than half of it out with me!

I slept good. Now it's time for a shower, then I'm driving to Tijeres, New Mexico, where the Elks has a campground for $20. The elevation is high, nearly 8000 ft, so it should be a lot cooler.  

From there I plan on camping at El Morro National Monument, then heading up to see Arches National Park.  Arches has begun a thing where you have to pay for a "timed entrance" and sadly, they are all sold out - but I learned this morning that you CAN enter after 4 pm. So that will be my plan. 

I probably won't have internet until I get up toward Moab.  After Arches I'm thinking my stops will be Salt Lake City, Boise, Bend, then home. 

Tomorrow - Roswell

Well, it's been a very strange week - and that's putting it lightly!
I'll warn you ahead, I'm making light 
of this entire situation,
because honestly,
it's just too ludicrous to take seriously!

From Martin's Cove I headed to my cousin's house.
I arrived on the morning of the 18th to a cousin who was crying and obviously in some type of crisis.  I'll call her Cousin A.

From that point forward, the visit spiraled downward -  this night finished at 2 am with 3 FBI agents in our room. 
It was a scam - you'll never make me believe otherwise - 

Cousin A had a sister who passed away 2 years ago
I'll call her Cousin B.

The drama began with a call from Cousin B's daughter 
then a video call.
She was sitting between two gun-toting dudes in ninja outfits,
acting like she was crying,
telling us they were the "Mexican Mafia" and if Cousin A
didn't deposit $10,000 by morning
they were going to kill her.
At this point, my body language looked something like this:

Ooooookay, let's back up...

Right before my Cousin B died,
she told her daughters she had left them $10,000 in an account
for them to have after she passed away.

Then, interestingly, 
Cousin B dropped dead of a "heart attack" soon after.

Then even MORE interestingly,
what I learned this week was Cousin B's daughter
had called Cousin A crying and screaming
(before calling 911)
that she had given her mother "something for pain" 
and thought "maybe" she'd given her the wrong pill
and given her fentanyl instead!


I heard just a few days after Cousin B died,
her daughter was asking for "the money her mom left her."

I can't say what I think.
I'll leave it to the reader to form their own conclusions.

At any rate, this drama got blown up into unbelievable portions,
and ended with me going out to sleep in my van
to get away from Cousin A,
who was calling everyone she knew at 2 am
and telling them her version of what happened!

I left the next day - 

Today I heard from ANOTHER cousin
saying she got a message from Cousin A saying:
"Carolyn, she is safe! The Mexican government just called the FBI, and she escaped and they have her!!!! Praise God!!!"

Um, you don't "escape" from the Cartel.
What a joke!
Well, the FBI does know she's been going to Tijuana
with her young teenage son (!!!)
and bringing fentanyl back in!
That alone should get her some prison time, hopefully!

I'm just blown away by this whole thing.
It was like walking into a soap opera!

At any rate, I got the heck out of there as soon as I could,
and headed on to my son Rob's house!
We had a really nice visit.
He has a cute little 2 bedroom house,
and his father, who also lives there,
was in Hawaii so I took his room.
It was so nice to see his face and give him a big hug!
I love that Doobies!

I was there for 3 nights, watching the weather closely.
With the storm ready to hit Florida, 
I didn't want to get caught up in the rain.
I saw a break in the weather yesterday and 
packed up and left yesterday morning.
Lucky I did!
Today he said is POURING rain!

I had a heck of a time finding someplace to sleep last night.
I ended up on the other side of Memphis and probably drove more than 8 hours because everybody told me Memphis is not safe for car camping anywhere - the Love's, the rest stops, even Crackerbarrel!
So I didn't get a lot of sleep. 
I finally found a Love's that seemed safe, and got a few hours.

Today I drove another long day 
and tonight I'm in Clinton, Oklahoma. 
A nice lady on one of my Facebook groups
told me about her RV park here
and gave me a spot for only $15.
Shower and Laundry too!

I'm heading to Roswell tomorrow to see
the UFO Museum.
I have booked a hotel for that night.

Then my plan is to travel up to Albuquerque, 
hopefully go through Arches National Park,
then on to Oregon.

I'm hoping to slow down now 
and not drive so many hours,
though I have to say I'm anxious to get home
to my own bed.

I think this was my last long cross country drive!
From now on, I'm sticking closer to the West side of the country.

There's NO place like home!
::clicking her ruby slippers!:::



September 17 - Martins Cove

 I had a restful night at Martin’s Cove. Next morning, I went to see the exhibits. There weren’t very many people there.  The missionaries, who serve as guides, were very good. They had all the information memorized.  However, I have found I do better just to read the exhibits and go slow by myself. I felt rushed, as though too much was being given to me at once.  Maybe because I’m tired, but it was just overwhelming.  I saw the visitor center. It was very well done and they had a nice movie that made you sad when you realize all the struggles that those emigrants endured. 

Then, there was a small museum.  It was locked  and one of the guides had a key.  She opened the door and led me through the museum, talking constantly, and again it felt rushed, like too much information all at once. I would really have enjoyed to just look at the exhibits and take my time reading the information on each one. 

At that point, my head was too full to take anymore and so I decided to leave. I only had a little over a quarter of a tank of gas so I made it for Rawlins. I filled my tank and started driving. The wind was so strong, it constantly buffeted the car and made it very difficult for driving.  And then, just as I cross the border into Nebraska, a big dust storm came up. I found a Denny’s at town, called Sydney and treated myself to a steak. After that, I went to the gas station and hunkered down in the van  

I woke up this morning about 3 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep.  That’s my usual get up time so I went in and got a shower.  Usually showers cost around $12-$17 but the lady was so nice and gave it to me for free! I drove for about an hour, then pulled over and slept for two more hours.  That seems to be my mode of operation these days

I just stopped for a Cinnabon and I’ll drive as far as I can today. It’s about 6 1/2 hours to Vonda’s house and I’m not sure I can go that far but it’s still early so who knows  

By far the way, the moon was gorgeous last night.

The Moon

Cozy in my van

The Sun in Duststorm

Arches to Salt Lake City

It was about a 4 hour drive to Salt Lake City and by the time I got there, I was so tired, I called my son Cameron and asked if he could boo...