My Fob is Working!

Last week, the weirdest thing happened.

The vanity mirror fell out of the visor on the driver's side.
I could see the two little wires that hooked it up to the light
that would come on when you opened the mirror. 
They had come loose and the entire mirror/light had fallen out.

Then, my key fob stopped working.

Then, I noticed the dashboard clock wasn't working.

Then, I noticed the inside dome lights weren't working.

Then, I was unable to lock all the van doors with the switch on the driver's door. It wouldn't work unless the key was in the ignition and turned on.

All within about 24 hours.

I checked the battery, installing a new one.
No go.

I was so bummed!
I got online and poked around the internet.
I checked the fuses; they seemed to be ok.
I couldn't help but think it had SOMETHING to do with the visor, but that didn't really make sense. Anyway, I made a list, drove the car to Portland and left it with my mechanic this morning.

I was expecting the worst.

I got a call two hours later and guess what the problem was?
The mirror which fell off disconnected a wire, which blew fuses and caused all the other problems. While I COULD have replaced the visor for about $250 in parts plus labor, I really don't use that mirror, so I told my guy, "Just make it work! I don't care what it looks like."

And he did... putting it back together and securing it with a zip tie,
suddenly everything was working again.

I'm back on the road...

The bill?  $129.00

I love days like this!

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