In Search of another Van!

 Well, today I began a search for another van.

I've decided to use whatever money we get from the government next month to pay off my debt entirely. Then I can put nearly my whole check each month in savings for another van.

Even though I'm stuck in a sticks/bricks for now caring for mom, I think it will do my soul good to have a van to get away for a few days now and then. I also know once mom decides to go into Assisted Living or "whatever," I will sell this house and buy a larger rig, probably a small Class B. But for NOW, I need an escape. 

I'm looking again at Toyota Siennas. It seemed to be the perfect minivan, and with the experience I gained in the years I lived out of mine, I think I will be quite happy with it until I can afford something larger.

So.... stay tuned!

Stay safe!

Stay warm!

and Happy New Year Vanners!

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